I need a new Mountain Board...
I really need to get myself a new mountain board. Although we have had lots of fun together me and my Scrub Furnace Creek, it really is just TOOO heavy to get up in the air sufficiently enough so that I don't look like a lame fool.
It will be sad to part the ways with the Scrub, but surely there will be someone in eBay-land who will love and cherish it as I have. Or I guess I will keep it for old times sake and have a bash on it now and then - who knows?!
The Furnace Creek. Mines a lot dirtier...
Anyway so I want a board... now what do I go for???
I thought a Ground Industries Flight-Lite would be good, like Xanders, but apparently these are a similar weight to the Furnace so there not much point getting one of these...
The Flight-lite an extremely durable yet heavy board. Note the lush Raptor bindings...
So how about the MBS range, these are pretty hard-core. I like the Comp16 apart from its MASSIVE price-tag. Also I noted that when I rode Scott's it was pretty scary as these boards are so lightweight it's as if there is nothing there!!
Comp16 Undisputed awesome board with a massive following...
Perhaps I should look at the Core 16 or the Core 8. The Core16 is a good board if Tommo's is anything to go by and the new MBS ones have far better foot-straps than the previous model so I think this could be a go-er.
Also I noted that they are black which suits my dark-side. The Core8 is probably a bit too short and more of a youths board and I am a 28 year old (hehe) so it might be a bit too small/short or whatever. Also the Core8 only has skate trucks and I really want channels or matrixs because I love springs so much.
The Core16, impressive specs on the new version...

The Core8, bit short and no channel trucks. One for the kids...
What other boards are there... well there are No-Sno's which are just loony, real light but FAR too expensive. I will probably have a bash on Godders next time he is out just to see. I don't fancy these much...
They look loony and apparently taste loony.
Exits Suck ass as you can see...
Exit Boards - Shit by name, shit by nature. Look at this crap!
Trampa are really heavy apparently so thats not much use either.
Trampa - 100% indestructible, guaranteed but heavy motherfuckers.
I think it is going to have to be either the MBS Core16 or the Comp16. Which one I get depends on what discount Phil over at http://www.extremekites.co.uk/ gives me :o)
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