Boxing Day already?!

What I am talking about is companies who are advertising that they are open on Boxing Day - Ridiculous. So lets just get this straight, Christmas now starts in September (as previously noted) and THE MINUTE that Christmas Day arrives (or sooner) companies start blatting us with Boxing Day Sales, hurry, hurry hurry buy this sofa on Boxing Day, buy this, buy that - Jesusfuckingchrist enough already.
We also know that Easter begins on the 9th December.
Top companies who have done this as far as I have noticed is McDonalds who clearly state on their TV adverts "Most Restaurants open on Boxing Day". Also various shops in Ashford have got big signs by their doors that say "Open Boxing Day 09.00 - 17.00" including the main shopping mall. There used to be a time where over Christmas, most companies and shops would shut down for a few days, but not anymore. It's consumer heaven 24/7 these days and I bet your ass that most companies would open Christmas Day if they could get away with it.
The point of Christmas, as I believe is for families to come together to SPEND QUALITY TIME with one another and for everyone to have a few days off together but this just isn't the case anymore, as soon as the clock ticks over to 00.01 on Christmas Day the TV advert blatt-fest begins, it's almost as if Christmas is over before it has even begun. Why cant we just shut down? Take Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the 27th off. No shops open, nothing. MAKE all these chavs who HAVE to go shopping on Christmas Day actually spend time with their families instead which they should be doing instead of traipsing round all the shitty shops again. Didn't everyone have enough bloody shopping to do before Christmas?? Why ON EARTH would you want to go shopping on Boxing Day? It's beyond me.
I will certainly be hanging out with the folks for the whole period. I wont be going to any sodding shops on Boxing Day. I will be chilling, playing with my baby Son, seeing my parents and enjoying a few vinos and some left-over turkey (in sandwich form). If more people did this, and taught their children that Christmas/Boxing day is not all about consumerism and buying shit that they don't need but is about family times together, perhaps the yobbo culture that is engulfing the UK might be addressed somoewhat.
Just a few thoughts on the consumer/capitalist shit hole state we are in...
Merry Christmas!!
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