Happy Fucking Easter Everyone

I cant believe it. For fucks sake what is wrong with you people!?
I am talking about the corporate whores who run this planet. Further to my disgust at Christmas beginning in September this year, you will not BELIEVE what I saw today, in my local newsagents - CREME EGGS!!
I'm not being funny but these are supposed to come out around Easter, you know Easter Eggs? Something to do with that fictional character from the famous novel, "The Bible" I think his name was Jesus Christ or something.. anyway why the hell can I buy Easter eggs today when we haven't even got to Christmas yet??
This pisses me off, why cant we just do one thing at a time? It's Christmas now, being Advent and all that so what the hell is going on with the Easter Eggs being put out all over the place?
Ah this reminds me of something else, fireworks. Fireworks night is one night of the year and that's 5th November. Remember, Remember the 5th November. Easy to remember. Well last night at about 10pm some complete tosser living near me let off a load of fireworks - how come bonfire night stretches out from mid September - Mid December?? ITS SUPPOSED TO BE ONE NIGHT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!
Anyway I am off now, getting annoyed. Might make some pancakes as it's Shrove Tuesday in about 3 months, so might as well start early. Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE yay!!
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