A BIG Meet for KentATB - The Aftermath

Disappointed is the best way to describe how I feel about the disasterous "non-shoot" that we had this weekend. Although the turnout for the BBC video was excellent - We had 14 riders, the weather absolutely sucked and destroyed the area we had planned to film in.
Here are just some of the disasters that befell us:
1. It rained all night and all morning so our main track turned into a downhill stream.
2. It was a splodgy bog-fest so no speed could be attained so the runs sucked ass and we couldn't use the ramp
3. Our cameraman got his BMW stuck in the mud...
4. Prompting the land owner to do his nut - "Get orf my land!!"
5. By this time I was so pissed off I couldn't be arsed to even try to shoot anything.
Bollocks, utter bollocks - Saturday sucked ass big time.
What a mess.
So the plan is to reschedule this for another day and find somewhere where we can ride even if it has rained loads.
What a waste of time :o(
Jesus ur sounding like Wilba now...
It's spreading!!! :)
Meet was a mass wash-out, but still lush to see so many peeps about n meet some new faces...
Shame i got so much sheep-shizzle in me gob! .. Mmmmmmm, shizzle.....
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