Thursday, February 23, 2006

More Notices

No new messages in the toilets today sadly, but I am thinking of making some of my own, how about this:

"Would the person who keeps doing poo-poos in the urinal please refrain from this disgusting habit"

"Would the person who does wee-wee on the floor please stop"

"Make sure you wash your pissy hands before touching the door-handle, as I don't want to touch your piss on said door-handle."

"Please do not put up notices in the toilet. Thank you." (brilliant irony!)

What do you think?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Phantom Bogie Sticker

Ha! This has been making me chuckle all day today. I went for my usual 10.30 am piss at work today, nipped down to the 2nd Floor toilet, took a piss, washed [my hands, obviously!] and returned to the door only to do a double take of this notice on the door:

Ha!! Isn't that brilliant! I work in a big office building, has 5 floors, loads of people and the management (or whoever) who put this sign up not only used the ridiculous word "bogies" but actually took the time to laminate the notice as well!

Bloody hilarious!! Hope they catch him :o)

adventures of Gonorr

Ha, I like this guy... adventures of Gonorr

Thursday, February 16, 2006


There has been a lot of discussion of late about Iran and whether or not the Worlds only remaining super-power should stop them from opening Nuclear Powerplants to provide electricity to their people or not. The US seems to claim that they will use these powerplants to make nuclear weapons - how absurd?! the people only want energy to run their homes and provide electricity for all its many wonderful purposes.

Anyway, before we start firing nukes about the place and bring the planet into apocalypse, could you just read this short passage first...

A brief reminder:

The fireball that consumed Hiroshima reached 18 million degrees in one millionth of a second. It evaporated 68% of the city, demolishing structures built to withstand an 8.5 earthquake. It charred trees five miles from ground zero, blew out windows 17 miles from the city’s center, and killed 100,000 people in a single blow. Another 100,000 plus would follow in the months ahead.

The bomb that flattened Hiroshima was 15 kilotons. The standard warhead in the U.S. arsenal today—the W-76—is 100 kilotons. A substantial number of their weapons are 250 kilotons, and they range as high as five megatons. One of the latter can eliminate a small country.

Just stop and think about that for a second before reaching for the Armageddon button. Lets also not forget that the 30 year old non nuclear proliferation treaty expressly forbids the 176 signature countries from developing nuclear weapons and it also calls for the big 5, USA, UK, France, China and the USSR to fully dismantle their weapons. Err - seems that someone is in breach of contract here if there are any nuclear weapons in existence - I mean how can the USA be considering "nuking" Iran if it signed a document that said it would dismantle all their nuclear weapons, how come these weapons still exist??

KentATB Snowboarders

KentATB Snowboarders
Originally uploaded by adzboarder.
Hey dudes, I am working on resizing pictures and stuff of the recent KentATB Snowboarding trip.

I will be loading the rest later so stand by for an update.

Monday, February 06, 2006

France Sucks Arse

OK. I have written the last 3 days of boarding action and its on my memory stick, and this shit fucking cybercafe I am in wont let me access the USB drive. Gayness. I'm not fucking writing it all again as it is sitting on this stick, but I will post it.

So I will see what I can do and post all the KentATB snowboarding action soon!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Union

Harr, I read Bush's State of the Union" Speech earlier today, check it out in full at but if you can't be bothered, here is the general gist of it:

11 instances of the word "Terrorist"
3 instances of the word "Terrorism"
19 instances of the word "Freedom"
2 instances of the words "September 11th"
6 instances of the word "Iran"
16 instances of the word "Iraq"
2 instances of the words "Osama Bin Laden"
5 instances of the word "Victories"
6 instances of the words "fellow citizens".

Speaking to congress:
"In the coming year, I will continue to reach out and seek your good advice." [and then ignore it]

Speaking about the cost of US Troops:
"Ultimately, the only way to defeat the terrorists is to defeat their dark vision of hatred and fear by offering the hopeful alternative of political freedom and peaceful change." [by enforcing a false democracy on all countries]

Speaking to Iran:
"Tonight, let me speak directly to the citizens of Iran: America respects you, and we respect your country. We respect your right to choose your own future and win your own freedom. And our Nation hopes one day to be the closest of friends with a free and democratic Iran." [After we bomb the living shit out of you]

Speaking about poorer countries:
"We also show compassion abroad because regions overwhelmed by poverty, corruption, and despair are sources of terrorism, organized crime, human trafficking, and the drug trade. " [Yet the CIA is running most of this]

Speaking about 911:
"to prevent another attack - based on authority given to me by the Constitution and by statute - I have authorized a terrorist surveillance program to aggressively pursue the international communications of suspected al-Qaeda operatives and affiliates to and from America. " [Terrorist meaning the good common folk of America who are slowly being turned into criminals by statute]

Speaking about the Economy:
"Our economy is healthy, and vigorous, and growing faster than other major industrialized nations. " [despite being bankrupt, don't believe me? look it up, it's on the public record!]

Speaking about Oil:
"America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world." [thanks to America, these parts of the world are unstable meaning they can go in with military and seize the oil]

The usual bollocks, blame the rest of the world, look how great we are [meaning America] and lots more "go back to sleep America, your government has figured out how it all transpires".

We're doomed unless the American people rise up and take the power back.