
There has been a lot of discussion of late about Iran and whether or not the Worlds only remaining super-power should stop them from opening Nuclear Powerplants to provide electricity to their people or not. The US seems to claim that they will use these powerplants to make nuclear weapons - how absurd?! the people only want energy to run their homes and provide electricity for all its many wonderful purposes.
Anyway, before we start firing nukes about the place and bring the planet into apocalypse, could you just read this short passage first...
A brief reminder:
The fireball that consumed Hiroshima reached 18 million degrees in one millionth of a second. It evaporated 68% of the city, demolishing structures built to withstand an 8.5 earthquake. It charred trees five miles from ground zero, blew out windows 17 miles from the city’s center, and killed 100,000 people in a single blow. Another 100,000 plus would follow in the months ahead.
The bomb that flattened Hiroshima was 15 kilotons. The standard warhead in the U.S. arsenal today—the W-76—is 100 kilotons. A substantial number of their weapons are 250 kilotons, and they range as high as five megatons. One of the latter can eliminate a small country.
Just stop and think about that for a second before reaching for the Armageddon button. Lets also not forget that the 30 year old non nuclear proliferation treaty expressly forbids the 176 signature countries from developing nuclear weapons and it also calls for the big 5, USA, UK, France, China and the USSR to fully dismantle their weapons. Err - seems that someone is in breach of contract here if there are any nuclear weapons in existence - I mean how can the USA be considering "nuking" Iran if it signed a document that said it would dismantle all their nuclear weapons, how come these weapons still exist??
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