Thursday, March 02, 2006

WARNING - More Big Budget Film Propoganda

Watch out for this piece of shit coming out of the bullshit factory that is Oliver Stone.

World Trade Center is a movie based on 9/11 where 2 policemen get stuck under the rubble of the two towers and their epic struggle for survival and freedom, sounds like a piece of fucking shit to me, more lies, ooh the terrorists, watch them take over the planes, ooh they are so evil - hey lets bomb the shit out of Iraq!

You see, when movies like this get made, people take it as real, take JFK for example (another piece of shit by Oliver Stone) people actually BELIEVE it was Lee-Harvey Oswald thanks to this piece of shit propoganda film. No doubt Al-CIA-da will feature as the evil make believe terrorists and no doubt the movie will show how brave the US firefighters and policemen are and God Bless America lets kill all the terrorists.

I cant put into words how the idea of this film is turning my stomach. If you put bullshit "non-truth" in a movie, it only takes a short while for the masses to accept this film as reality. Disgusting propoganda - do NOT go and see this shit.

Ha! Get this, it has Nicholas cage in it, cue slow motion explosions and exciting John Woo-esque action shots. I don't care I will never pay money to see a crock of shit of this ilk. if you want to have a look at this.

Back and to the left.


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