Pointless New Years Txt

I noticed something again this year and this happens a lot so it seems but you know how people insist on sending "happy new year" text messages just before, just after or smack bang on midnight? Well it happened again this year loads of people did this and it brought the servers crashing to the ground once again. Why does this happen??
It was first noted in the news back on the millenium celebrations, the first moments of 2000 Vodafone, Orange, One2One (now T-Mobile) and 02 all fucked up as people sent texts and a record number were sent which caused the problems. Now five years later THE SAME problems occur - why have they not fixed this 5 years later? It's weird because people just accept this, but it is UNACCEPTABLE service as far as I am concerned and the phone companies are in breach of contract.
When you send a text it costs you between 1 and 15 pence and you expect for your pennies the text to arrive at the recipient within a few minutes. Well I went to bed last night at about 2am and woke up at about 7.30am to find 4 text messages had arrived. All of these 4 were sent between 23.58 and 00.47 so should have arrived when I was still up but didn't. I would then surmise that these 4 senders should be granted a refund as their texts were not received in a timely manner but I bet that doesnt happen.
Mobile phone companies rip you off at times like these. You are spending your money on texts that don't arrive or arrive late, and on big occassions such as the recent bombings in london and at New Years and so on, millions of texts go missing or don't arrive - it's just not on now is it.
Anyway thanks to those who did text me, but why the fuck do people bother sending happy new year texts anyway? It's all a bit pointless isn't it?
Hpy Nw Yr!! :o) <--- Is that really worth 10p ??
I cant comment on your blog! Whats the point of that??
I'm gonna ride my board through your park godammit!
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