Evil Pope

Here is the fucking pope, looking sick and evil as he calls for a New World Order during his Christmas speech.
Here, Alex Jones has put together a load of articles about this guy and how he is part of the fucked up New World Order regime hell-bent on enslaving the planet and creating a prison planet. I urge you all to read this stuff before it is too late and shun pricks like this fucking guy and pretty much anyone in positions of power. Wake up before it is too late.
Read Infowars.com
I think he looks like the grinch... santa hat n all...
Either way, EVIL!!!!
How dare you attack our spiritual leader. I am coming to get you!
It's twats like you that put evil tossers like this in positions of power in the first place. Gimme 10 hail Mary's and 6 Our Fathers and go fuck yourself.
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