AdZ: Not Dead
I woke up this morning to find that I am NOT dead - BRILLIANT, how handy is that!?
I am a Mountain Boarder from Kent. I enjoy mountain boarding and snowboarding, video games, Star Wars, Movies and Web Design. If you don't like swearwords like shit or bugger then this probably is not the right blog for you.
We all know that Japan is a mental place to go and visit, and whilst innocently looking for images in Google for the Mona Lisa I came across a stash of weird Japanese stuff. What happened was I managed to get access to some dude's web server and could access all of his pictures. Oddly he had put in some notes for all the pictures and I just randomly stole them to show you lot.
^ This apparently is the left luggage sign at a Japanese airport. Awesome use of the English language as you can see... "Suppose you found you have no key, it cost penalty of YingYang panayang whatever. hee hee!
^Here a British Funfair favourite has been converted to Japanese stylee! This time you can win a lobster - how cool is that!!
^This is a picture found on a wall in Japan somewhere (obviously) of Darth Vader talking to some schoolgirls. I don't get it...
^This is a T-Shirt available in a Japanese market of something that looks a bit like Mickey Mouse. No doubt this was endorsed by Walt Disney, it looks official. If you are an alien...
^Cigarettes - For a clean and tender heart. Hehe has no one told them this shit kills you?
^This is a sign found in a toilet. Why make taking a piss so complicated??
^...and finally no Japanese people have AIDs thanks to shops like Condomania!
So that's some of the weird pictures I found today. Japan. Mental.
Why cant we have a New Year's week, where we go back to work on the 7th (or so) of January. Are you listening Tony Bliar ??