Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quake Aid

So no doubt the most horrendous thing to happen this weekend was the major earthquake over in Indonesia. It was a big one apparently 6.3 on the richter scale and due to the infrastructure of the country being a bit dated many, many homes were destroyed. Many lives have been lost, I think we are up to about 5000 people which is utterly devastating. Of course we need to get practical stuff out to these people asap, blankets, tents, food (loads of it), fresh water and medical goods, so it was good to see that the British government immediately pledged £3m in aid to the people there. It is always interesting to see what countries contribute what as you would think that the richest countries would send the most wouldn't you? Ok so the UK is pretty rich I suppose. We have a queen and everything so £3m seems quite good. Japan have decided to be the most generous and have stumped up £5.3m.
The in-betweens have all been good:
  • Belgium: £444,220
  • Holland: £640,702
  • Saudi Arabia: £2.6m
  • UAE & Kuwait: £2.1m
  • Australia: £1.1m
  • Canada: £959,243
  • China 1.1m

But the biggest suprise is that the United States, supposedly the only super-power on the planet and the biggest country economically have only managed to pledge a piffling £1.3m. What? How can this be? How can the USA be so mean, and not even come up with as much money as the UK? A country that when talking about military spending talks in TRILLIONS not Billions can only come up with this amount is utterly pathetic. So you can spend trillions on ever new improved ways to kill people but only £1.3m to help the poor people of Indonesia - are tanks and black hawk helicopters really worth more than humans in this day and age?

I am sure the American people will stump up a lot more than their government can, and I know for sure that some good folks from that side of the pond will all head over there to physically help the poor of Indonesia so it seems a shame that their current administration has dismissed the disaster as not worth the bother. What also suprised me was that the EU also pedged a piffling £2m in aid, thats including even more money from the UK and all the other big European states, Germany, France, Spain et al this also seems a very small amount from some very powerful and wealthy countries. Shame on the decision makers and penny pinchers who made this decision.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The REAL Police State

There is a rapidly developing Police State brewing the United States. What this means is that when the people dissent about some of the governments policies, the Police can and WILL use extreme force to silence the people. This is an outrageous, disgusting and shocking video of Police State Brutality in Oklahoma in 2002, actually FILMED by the Police themselves.

All I ask is for you to waste 6 minutes of your life watching this video and then please will you wake up to the truth that America is slowing moving towards a totalitarian fascist Police State. Wake UP!


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pentagon Missile Video

I've been humming and harrring about publishing this, but did anyone notice on Wednesday that the US government released a video that 'proves' that a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

Yes its true, they have taken nearly 5 years to release this video, when it should have been released the day after the terrorist attacks if they wanted their phoney story to stand up to public scrutiny. Conspiracy Theory!! I can hear you all scream, but check it out...

Go to CNN.com to this page:


Then click on the video link. Now carefully watch the video being sure to look at the middle right area above that orange box and you will quite clearly see.... a MISSILE! NOT a plane! Look closely. Rewind and repeat.

Do the US government really expect the people to believe that that was a Boeing 757? come on, there is NO WAY that is a plane, you can quite clearly see that it is the smoke trails of a missile. If it was a Boeing 757 then surely you would see wings, a tail-fin, two 6-Tonne engines made of titanium and steel and, well, a plane - you would see a lot more than what you can see on the video and they are passing off these preposterous remarks about a plane when the evidence CLEARLY shows that it was not a plane.

If the government of the USA have nothing to hide, then this video should have come out a lot sooner than it has, furthermore if they have lied about what happened at the Pentagon, what else have they lied about?

- Bombs in the WTC
- The Towers being brought down in a controlled demolition
- The mysterious collapse of WTC 7
- The amazing melting steel of the WTC that would is scientifically impossible to melt by a kerosene based fire.
- The millions of dollars of insider trading on both American Airlines and Boeing
- The amazing terrorist's passport that survived the fireball
- The complete white-wash in the 9/11 commission

The web of deceit and lies by this administration is rapidly unravelling and this video is the turning point, the house cards can and will fall soon, if more people can read between the lines and wake up, we may just avert WW3.